16/03/2022, 11:59:59): Welcome to Support. How may I help you? 16/03/2022, 12:00:07): hello 16/03/2022, 12:01:01): Hello good afternoon, How may I assist you ? 16/03/2022, 12:01:24): there is an issue facing recently for sending emails throw script 16/03/2022, 12:01:42): Failed to authenticate password. Error: 421 4.7.66 TLS 1.0 and 1.1 are not supported. Please upgrade/update your client to support TLS 1.2. Visit https://aka.ms/smtp_auth_tls. [PN3PR01CA0050.INDPRD01.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM] 16/03/2022, 12:02:13): got this error when sending emails using smtp 16/03/2022, 12:03:45): You are using a script correct ? 16/03/2022, 12:03:55): yes 16/03/2022, 12:04:03): php script 16/03/2022, 12:04:20): on csjewellers.com 16/03/2022, 12:04:23): Okay you are using a PHP script 16/03/2022, 12:04:34): Allow me some time to check please 16/03/2022, 12:04:50): yes 16/03/2022, 12:05:01): you can check 16/03/2022, 12:06:43): Can you share your script with me so I can check this better ? 16/03/2022, 12:07:13): there is one simple function for send email 16/03/2022, 12:07:21): https://www.csjewellers.com/password/test_pass_link 16/03/2022, 12:07:26): testing url 16/03/2022, 12:08:28): Okay checking this further 16/03/2022, 12:08:55): ok 16/03/2022, 12:17:38): Can I try to upload my own PHP script and check this ? 16/03/2022, 12:18:34): yes 16/03/2022, 12:18:37): please share 16/03/2022, 12:19:22): okay allow me a few minutes to do this 16/03/2022, 12:28:03): Checking this with the backend team , kindly stay online while I do so. 16/03/2022, 12:28:28): ok 16/03/2022, 12:30:48): You have not created any email email ID in your cPanel , kindly create one and check please 16/03/2022, 12:32:10): i was created office365 SMTP and using those details to send emails 16/03/2022, 12:32:33): Okay so you are using outlooks mail services ? 16/03/2022, 12:33:47): yes 16/03/2022, 12:34:17): Okay checking with the team. 16/03/2022, 12:34:33): ok 16/03/2022, 12:41:40): The server team has checked this and there is no issue on the server side 16/03/2022, 12:41:53): Please check this with outllok 16/03/2022, 12:42:05): when I am debugging i found following URL 16/03/2022, 12:42:07): https://aka.ms/smtp_auth_tls 16/03/2022, 12:42:13): As you are using remote email services so we cannot check this futeher 16/03/2022, 12:42:37): Outlook would be the best to help you with this as they will be able to fetch the logs for this 16/03/2022, 12:42:39): which it's saying to update tls version 1.1 to 1.2 16/03/2022, 12:43:15): can you help me to update tls version 1.1 to 1.2 I server 16/03/2022, 12:43:31): Allow me few minutes 16/03/2022, 12:43:38): or you can update it from your side 16/03/2022, 12:44:29): may be its work for me 16/03/2022, 12:45:36): We checked you mail routing was set to local , we have set it to automatic now please wait for some time to this to reflect around 15 20 minutes post this it should work 16/03/2022, 12:45:50): And regarding the update I am checking with the backend team 16/03/2022, 12:46:56): ok, you check your side for tls updating 16/03/2022, 12:48:06): Sure checking 16/03/2022, 12:56:31): The team has checked and it is already at TLS 1.2 16/03/2022, 12:57:06): Please check this with outlook support they could be able to fetch the logs and check this better from their side as you are using their mail services 16/03/2022, 12:59:24): ok 16/03/2022, 13:00:28): once confirm the tls setting is all ok and its enabled 1.2 version 16/03/2022, 13:01:03): let me check 16/03/2022, 13:01:11): ok 16/03/2022, 13:02:41): Yes it is at 1.2 and all is enabled. 16/03/2022, 13:03:37): You can also refer to this > https://snipboard.io/EavdfB.jpg 16/03/2022, 13:05:09): Anything else I can help you with ? 16/03/2022, 13:06:48): Awaiting your response 16/03/2022, 13:07:39): no 16/03/2022, 13:07:48): Pleasure assisting you!! 16/03/2022, 13:07:57): thank you for your help 16/03/2022, 13:08:05): Welcome !! Just a gentle reminder, Please give a me quick rating (for 2 questions) on the survey link you will receive once I end the chat. If you are pleased, you can rate me with 5. This will help me a lot!\n\n\nPlease rate me 5 it will be helpful for me. 16/03/2022, 13:08:09): Have a nice day!!\nPlease do rate me 5!!